Wednesday, June 17, 2009

laconica is installed!


500 error is solved eventually. it cost 2 days.

Now 12:02 AM

First I studied installation Notes, try to install it in windows.

-Verigo not work

- download XMAP

- installed follow notes, but not work.

Second installed it in virtue server.

-500 error


-study note then study README.

- that’s notes is for old version, for new 0.7.3 simply web install wizard. but README let me to set base folder and avatar folder to 777.  or chg then g+w, bla bla.

but when i did that, result in 500 error, internal server error.

google it. found in lunarpages said that it is not allowed be set to 777 by me, it need to change the ownership…

so i write to them for change.

i upload laconica to another free server to try.

folder can be set to 777, and it almost work(but due to MYSQL is low version, can not register)

change to 755 still work???   Maybe it is not necessary to change to 777?? so where else is wrong. 

google about php warning message. found it may stop the program.

you can change code more stable


you can turn the warning off. can do it in php.ini,

error_reporting    =    E_ERROR
display_errors     =    Off


add error_reporting(0) to the beginning of the code.(I choosed this one)

Eventually, it worked.

The way to go!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


