Thursday, July 31, 2008

How To Buy An Apartment Building

How to buy an apartment building? You could start with a look in the newspaper, a visit to a broker, or a search online - all good ways. Of course, since you're looking at the same properties as every other investor, it's not always easy to beat the competition to the great deals. Is there a better way?

Why not look for properties that aren't yet for sale, and make an offer? This is how I bought my first home. An ad in the paper stating what I was looking for, brought a call from an old couple that had been thinking about selling. I got a good price, and they saved a real estate agent's commission. Trying to buy an apartment building this way may be even more likely to succeed.

Buying apartment buildings that aren't for sale starts with a three step search process. you first decide what you're looking for. Do you want duplexes and four-plexes, or larger apartment buildings? The second step is to start looking for properties that fit your criteria. Finally, you contact the owners.

How To Buy An Apartment Building From Non-Sellers

First of all, don't limit yourself to "fixer-uppers" or other "problem" properties that seem more likely to have owners willing to sell. Probably most owners of rental properties have thought of selling, so you can start with almost any building. How can you tell when or why a landlord is ready to call it quits? By asking.

Of course, tact is necessary. When you call the owner, tell him you're an investor, not a broker. Tell him you like what you see, and you can have an offer ready in a week if he's interested. What if he's not interested? Thank him politely and hang up, but send him your card or a letter. Investors often buy from owners that change their minds.

If the owner is interested, explain that you are an investor, so your offer will have to be based on your return on investment. That means you'll need to see the books, specifically the rent roll, listing the units and what they rent for, plus current occupancy. You'll also need the total income and operating expenses for the last year.

Pepare a confidentiality agreement ready before you call, and let the owner know you'll sign it and deliver it before you see the books. It's possibble he doesn't want the tenants to know he's thinking of selling. If so, inspecting the units may have to wait until you make an offer. Just make an acceptable inspection a contingency in the offer.

Why should you buy income properties this way? Because having no competition and no sales commission can mean a better price. Because instead of waiting for that perfect property to be listed for sale, you just find it now. Look for it, find it, and make an offer. That's how to buy an apartment building.

Steve Gillman has invested in real estate for years. To learn more, get a free real estate investing course, and see a photo of a beautiful house he and his wife bought for $17,500, visit

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Driver's Handbook

Driver’s Licence Classification Chart

Class A

Allowed to drive any tractor-trailer combination May also drive vehicle in class D and G
a tractor-trailer
Diagram 1-1a-1

Class B

Allowed to drive any school purposes bus May also drive vehicle in class C, D, E, F and G
a school bus
Diagram 1-1a-2

Class C

Allowed to drive any regular bus May also drive vehicle in class D, F and Ga school bus
a regular bus
Diagram 1-1a-3

Class D

Allowed to drive any truck or combination provided the towed vehicle is not over 4,600 kg May also drive vehicle in class G
a truck
Diagram 1-1a-4

Class E

Allowed to drive any school purposes bus – maximum of 24-passenger capacity May also drive vehicle in class F and G
a school bus, maximum 24 passengers
Diagram 1-1a-5

Class F

Allowed to drive any regular bus – maximum of 24-passenger capacity – and ambulances May also drive vehicle in class G
a regular bus, maximum 24 passengers
Diagram 1-1a-6

Class G

Allowed to drive any car, van or small truck or combination of vehicle and towed vehicle up to 11,000 kg provided the towed vehicle is not over 4,600 kg
a car
Diagram 1-1b-1

Class G1

Level One of graduated licensing. Holders may drive Class G vehicles with an accompanying fully licensed driver with at least four years’ driving experience. Subject to certain conditions.

Class G2

Level Two of graduated licensing. Holders may drive Class G vehicles without accompanying driver but are subject to certain conditions.

Class M

Allowed to drive any motorcycles, including limited-speed motorcycles (motor scooters) and motor-assisted bicycles (mopeds). Holders may also drive a Class G vehicle under the conditions that apply to a Class G1 licence holder.
a motorcycle
Diagram 1-1b-2

Class M1

Level One of graduated licensing for motorcycles, including limited-speed motorcycles (motor scooters) and motor-assisted bicycles (mopeds). Holders may drive a motorcycle under certain conditions.

Class M2

Level Two of graduated licensing for motorcycles, including limited-speed motorcycles (motor scooters) and motor-assisted bicycles (mopeds). Holders may drive a motorcycle but only with a zero blood alcohol level. Holders may also drive a Class G vehicle under the conditions that apply to a Class G1 licence holder.

Class M with L condition

Holders may operate a limited-speed motorcycle or moped only. May operate a limited speed motorcycle or moped only

Class M2 with L condition

Holders may operate a limited-speed motorcycle or moped only. May operate a limited speed motorcycle or moped only

Note: A “Z” air brake endorsement is required on a driver’s licence to operate any air brake equipped motor vehicle.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


2008-07-02 09:20:19


任何一个产品在创业初期一般都会有着很宏伟的目标,创业团队的所有人都可以”想不到能做什么”,他们随时可以有一万个想法,这个时候最难做的是减法 — 规划好产品的基本架构,明确什么东西不是产品的基本点现在可以不做。



















lihuaji 发表于 2007-8-31 11:39:00


1. 项目选择直接决定成败,项目选择要从小,“只有把行业做小,才能把事业做大”。初次创业者最容易贪大,大市场要么目前不成熟,要么很多实力企业正在磨刀霍霍准备进入,如果你没有充分的资源盲目进入大市场行业,那你的出路只有一条就是成为先烈。中国13亿人的市场,你哪怕是做马桶网站,能做到第一都能获得不错的营收规模。


3. 任何时候都别对投资商寄太大的希望,除非他已经把钱打到你的账上,不要相信任何的口头承诺,没有法律效力。


5. 商业模式切忌跟风,自己可以控制的赚钱的模式才是适合你的模式,行业内很多新概念都是行业企业为了自己宣传需要造出来的,你没必要跟着起哄。如WEB2.0风靡了一阵子,未来很快还会有3.0,4.0。



8. 第一次创业你最重要的是要积累人才、人脉和资金,第一次创业对你来说不管成功与否,都不太重要,只要你有人才,还积累了人脉资源,你就可以再东山再起。

9. 永远要记住,控制自己的欲望,中国近年来很多大企业的消亡都有一个很类似的原因,就是掌舵人不能控制自己的欲望,高速成长的中国互联网市场永远不缺乏机会,但是缺乏寻找属于自己的机会的眼睛。记住,如果你还很瘦小,你就扎扎实实做一个小的行业,找一个行业巨头“看不上”方向去发展。

        10. 成功和失败都是一个过程,没有永远的成功,也没有永远的失败,在中国成就一家成功企业往往需要很多理由,但是一家企业由盛而衰却往往只需要一个理由。只要你心中有梦想,即使创业暂时失败了,3年后你会又是一条好汉。





1. 团队:共同认可的理念+专属技能+性格合拍的人


2. 产品:价值+创新


3. 心态:用时间去经营态


3. 资金:初创期必要的资金


4. 经验:适度的工作经验

世界上非常成功的互联网公司中80%的创业者创业年龄小于30岁。同样还有个数字90%的大学生创业会失败,大学生互联网创业失败率可能会是 99%。除了其他因素之外,我觉得需要适度的工作经验,它更多考验的是创业者对未来无法预测事物的命感度和判断力,往往正是因为这种凭感觉的决策决定了创业的成功与否。同时很多职业素养也是在工作中磨砺出来,为人、处事、管理、沟通、商务、人脉都会相对成熟。

5. 资源:推动项目发展的必须资源

比如你要做个购物或商务社区,对于这个项目发展的必须资源可能是:某个领域的意见领袖、某类产品的销售渠道、潜在的合作伙伴、社区传播的营销渠道、具有高端客户资源的传媒公司等等。如果你的资源范围内不具备必要的资源,那么很有可能在发展到一定阶段的时候,会非常缓慢甚至被后起之秀超越。曾和某个 VC朋友聊天,他说:“中国的创业环境恶劣,投资环境也很恶劣,投项目投资源不投创意。”没有资源的人往往为他人做嫁衣,除非你的产品优秀到VC没有选择。

7. 媒体:营销的传播通路、口碑



Never give up !!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008



本文来自 转载请保留版权,谢谢.

,网上支付是一个关键的环节. 今天来大概介绍一下这个环节,当然,本人的知识还是有限的,如果有什么不对或需要补充的地方,欢迎大家提出.

一般网上支付都是通过一个网关完成的,即一个付款的平台(叫网关), PAYPAL就是一网上支付的网关.


EmailTransfer Payment/ Bank Transfer or Deposit
Cash on Delivery
Check/Money Order
Website Payments Pro (US) Direct Payments
PayPal Express Checkout
PayPal Website Payments Standard
Google Checkout

这些是北美商业专用的网上支付网关(多是信用卡类等): Credit Card AIM, Credit Card SIM
NOCHEX , iPayment , 2Checkout , ChronoPay, PSiGate
SECPay ,WorldPay Junior

由于北美网上店铺的系统也比较多,OSC/ZEN CART/CUBE/XCART/MAGENTO等等很多种,分类也很多.在以下的介绍中,我们就用OSC(OSCOMMERCE)做为标准例子来做网关的相关介绍.(因为OSC是北美最为流行,时间比较长的一个网店系统,现在网上很多店铺系统都是用他们来做标准或是基础来参考发展的).关于这些不同网店的具体介绍,我的另外一个文章来说明,大家可以查看一下.


Google Checkout下载:

Friday, July 18, 2008

想做SNS的站长看过来 国内外开源SNS大集合 - 中国站长站

想做SNS的站长看过来 国内外开源SNS大集合

2008-07-15 09:43:08 来源:博客园 作者:itwriter 【 评论:2


UCenter Home



ucenter Home v1.2 繁体UTF-8

ucenter Home v1.2 简体UTF-8


中国站长站节点:thinksns 预览版 Build 080514


中国站长站节点:openpne v2.92 简体中文版

Community Server是国外重量级的sns社区源码,不过只开放了Express Edition版本,其他版本只提供了试用版。大家可以看看相关的中文化网站,能找到不少资料。

中国站长站节点:community server v2.0 汉化免安装稳定版

Insoshi open-source social network

insoshi也是一个类似Facebook的建站程序,基于Ruby on Rails构建。

aroundme logo

AROUNDMe也是类似Ning, Myspace, Google groups的一个免费社会化网站源码,自定义性非常强。



中国站长站节点:phpizabi v1.1 中文交友平台






这是基于xoops CMS的一个社会化插件.











Thursday, July 17, 2008



编 者按:点击欺诈,一个由病毒行业引申出来的行当,正悄然间毁坏着互联网广告的诚信底限。在这个行当中,从上游的病毒制造,到贩卖,再到市场化行为,短短两 三年时间,竟然形成了一个巨大的市场。而面对着这种问题,我们的监管部门似乎显得无能为力,而广告主们则在不得不“默许”的基础上,为这可恨的行为买单。 长此以往,互联网广告的未来还会有吗?套用当下时髦的流行语,互联网广告主只能在无助中“俯仰撑”吗?

【计世网 独家】不经意间,无数只疯狂点击的黑手,点掉了广告主无数的金钱。愈演愈烈的“点击欺诈”已成网络广告的梦魇,它或将毁掉网络广告的未来。






关键词广告是搜索引擎公司凭借其平台优势而推出的一项广告服务,关键之处在于,选择同一个关键词的广告主将按照出 价高低进行排名,出价越高的广告越靠前。无论是百度、谷歌,还是雅虎,目前都采取CPC(每次点击付费)计价模式。无论是谁,只要每点击一次广告,广告主 就必须支付一次点击的费用,CPC价格高低取决于关键词的热门程度。广告主也可以自行设定关键词价格和每天的广告额上限。


有业内人士表示,正因为竞价排名是一些搜索引擎公司最主要的收入来源,虽然这些公司都表示在积极采取措施阻止点击 欺诈,但也不排除有的搜索引擎公司对此睁一只眼闭一只眼。 据正望咨询2007年3月的一份调查报告显示,百度的平均点击欺诈率为34%,而Google也达到24.1%。


“点击欺诈背后主要隐藏有两种人,一种是只要点击广告就能赚钱的人; 一种是恨那些广告主的人,即广告主的竞争对手,为了增加广告主的成本压力,不断点击广告主的广告。第一种人包括,给客户做广告的人、搜索引擎公司本身,还 有搜索引擎广告代理公司、搜索引擎的联盟网站。”防恶意点击系统Netclean创造者,瑞辰博际科技公司总经理姬峰介绍说。


记者以购买关键词广告为由向Google的一家广告代理公司咨询时,一位销售部的女员工表示,在Google购买 广告的费用涉及到三块,包括600元的开户费,以及预存的广告费和技术服务费。在记者的执意询问下,她表示支付给广告代理公司的技术服务费是按预存费用 20%直接从客户账户扣除的。




美国点击欺诈审计公司Click Forensics2008年第一季度的报告显示,相比2007年第四季度,尽管包括Google AdSense和Yahoo Publisher在内的点击付费广告的点击欺诈率由28.3%下降到了27.8%,但木马病毒造成的点击欺诈却上升了8%。




“点击木马的危害范围是随着网络广告的增长而增长的,利益是最主要的推动力。”业内人士分析,如果要解决这一难 题,变“点击付费”为“打开付费”,可以更有利于分析是用户点击还是木马点击,也可以增加木马点击的成本。同时,如果改变计价方式,采取CPD(按天收 费),那么木马的海量点击方式就没有意义了。





“现在木马技术已经高度发达,即使是什么技术都不懂的人,只要根据所购买木马病毒的说明书,不出半个小时就能明白。” 董海平表示。

瑞星安全工程师王占涛介绍说: “在病毒市场上,木马病毒已经形成了一条完整的产业链,既有上游的病毒制造人员,也有中间的病毒贩子,也有专门散布病毒控制并出售大量‘肉鸡’(被木马病毒控制的电脑)的人,还有就是利用这些‘肉鸡’制造恶意点击的人。”


Wednesday, July 16, 2008





从美国新闻集团收购MySpace、微软购入Facebook 1.6%的股份,到美国在线收购英国最大的社交网站Bebo,社交网络服务(Social Networking Service,简称SNS)已经成为互联网界的最大热门话题。

然而由于社交网络属于互联网上的新生事物,人们时常把社交网络服务和交友、社区、博客等概念混淆在一起。事实上, 社交网络服务的经营者并不认同“社交网络等同于交友网站、社区网站或者博客网站”的看法——因为那些网站早在Web 1.0时代或者末期就已经存在,而社交网络服务则是以人际关系为核心,包含上述全部形式的互联网服务综合体。


从社交行为看,社交网络服务是依靠人们将线下关系链搬到线上,通过与其他人的关系链交迭,从而形成更大的关系链。 社交网络服务的用户主要是跟熟人之间互动,并且在这个社交平台上,有意、无意地遇到可以深聊的陌生人,从而扩大人际圈子。此后,再通过对彼此活动的关注, 进一步维系人际关系。




社交网络由于拥有大量的用户,并具备互动特性,导致每用户所创造的浏览量远高于传统门户网站;而更可观的是,由于 每个用户都在线关注其好友,导致用户平均在线时长更长。很多社交网络的用户在下课或下班后就泡在网站上,一直到快睡觉了才下线。这样的用户黏性和流量,如 何才能变现?



这种营销方式在过去Web 1.0的时代里可遇不可求:那时广告主没有任何其他广告平台可以操作,于是只能购买广告曝光次数,把大部分预算贡献给门户网站的流量。于是,在Web 1.0时代,关于互联网广告大家谈的最多的是精准性。而到了Web 2.0时代,通过社交网络服务实现的营销手段,将是“病毒式”的营销。

冲击传统互联网 广告模式

这种营销模式在真正面对广告主的时候,却遇到了一点麻烦。广告主普遍认知这种营销手段的效果好、且成本低。例如,在门户网站购买 100万次广告曝光,或者在社交网络平台上召集到100万用户参与市场推广活动,在这两者之间广告主显然更偏爱后者。可是,100万用户参与活动,应该支 付的活动费用该怎么计算?



广告主们还在试水社交网络营销方式的阶段,而社交网络服务的经营者也在摸索广告计费模式,因此,这个市场的想象空 间也就特别大,最终变成了销售人员与广告客户之间讨价还价的过程。究其根本原因,是Web 1.0时代的广告效果衡量标准已经跟不上时代,但Web 2.0时代的广告效果的衡量标准还没出来。

然而,无论如何,“病毒式”营销将成为Web 2.0时代的营销方式关键词之一,社交网络服务则将变成广告主的口碑传播平台。通过社交网络好友间的分享与推荐,拓展品牌知名度,达到营销效果。




■ 本报实习记者 梁益畅





版权保护不力 产业供血不足








Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Memories: Project kick off--May 15,2008

JSF troubles

download apache

study how to config, httpd,htdocs

copy ucenter into htdocs

install by Enter localhost/uc/install/

text, php can no excute!!??

!! need php module
download php4.4 zip and study how to install,d:/php
how to config: php.ini
add loadmudul to apache, and apache can not startup !!??
google a google, got it eventually!
change php5mudule to _2.dll ...................
change php4.4 to 5.2

found need mySQL, and download.

install by Enter localhost/uc/install/, work!!
But can not detect Mysql!! big trouble.
google a google
code php to test, phpinfo()
so long time,no hint.
finally by error keyword google a artical, which lit me
download another wininstaller version.
install php again,
small trouble, then succeed.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Heart Disease: Shortness of Breath-The New Heart Sign

Friday, December 16, 2005

Shortness of Breath-The New Heart Sign
AddThis Social Bookmark Button

A study that appeared in the November 3rd edition of the New England Journal of Medicine indicates that shortness of breath may be a warning sign of heart disease. Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center determined that individuals who are not aware of having heart disease, but who develop shortness of breath, are four times more likely to die from a heart disease related cause than individuals without any symptoms.

Researchers hope that by identifying shortness of breath as a possible indicator of heart problems, they will encourage those who have risk factors for heart disease to talk to their health care providers sooner. According to Daniel Berman, M.D., senior author of the study, "Patients often do not interpret shortness of breath as a serious symptom, but particularly in patients who have cardiac risk factors and in patients without lung disease, it may be the only sign of the presence of serious coronary artery disease."

If one is looking for shortness of breath as a possible sign of heart disease, it may lead them to their provider sooner. This could lead to earlier identification of heart disease, which would allow it to be treated before the first heart attack occurs. This is an especially important message for women, who often have shortness of breath or fatigue as presenting signs of a heart problem. Another blogger, Dr. Helen, has a great story about the signs that a woman has heart disease. It's her personal story of having a heart attack at age 37, and some of the women at my WebMD message board will totally relate!

Ladies (and gentlemen) with shortness of breath, take this sign seriously! Talk with your health care provider about your risk for developing heart disease, and if you're short of breath, report it. Early identification and intervention could save your life!


Related Topics: Women and Heart Disease, Diabetes More Dangerous for Women's Hearts

Posted by: Laurie Anderson, RNP at 1:11 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this article. I have had shortness of breath for several years, getting progressively worse. My HMO doctor keeps saying shortness of breath is not heart related. I have made him a copy of your article. He also said for over 5 years the pains I have in my heart area are not related, turns out I have a racing heart and arthimia, and it skips beats...but it had to get worse before he sent me to a heart specialist. Thank you for helping JQ Public to stay abreast of the latest and having somewhere to turn to share communication with our doctors.

2:06 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After jogging for several years I noticed a shortness of breath developing slowly over a six month period. Thought it was because I wasn’t working out enough so I started jogging twice a day.

After a month of no improvement I went to my HMO and told the doctor I think I have developed asthma. Turns out I had 4 blocked arteries that required a quadruple bypass.

That happened ten years ago. I am still jogging everyday and watching for any signs of shortness of breath.

3:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was having some angina pains but nothing really bad. Had tests run and as a result my heart arteries were seriously blocked. I had 6 bypass surgery 2 years ago.

My shortness of breath did not appear until after the surgery. I am very short of breath and the doctor ran a lung/breathing test in his office and found I was 80% short of breath. He said not enough for medication, unless it gets worse.

My concern now is that my shortness of breath especially after the heart surgery may be related to my heart.

I workout 3 times a week at our fitness center and the shortness of breath has not gotten any worse. I keep hoping to see some improvement, but still I worry.

Thanks for your article.

4:51 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At times I will walk 50 feet or climb a set of stairs and I will have shortness of breath and diziness. If I pause for a minute it passes and I can go on. Have had every test and the doctors can not find the cause or cure.

5:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a good thing we have access to sites like this. It's too bad I didn't have a computer 8 years ago. I had shortness of breath, was gaining weight, and vomiting all day long, worse than morning sickness. The doctors kept telling me it was my stomach or something else. This went on for FOUR months. I came very close to dying because they didn't recognize the signs. Yes I went to the doctor at least twice a week. I was diagnosed with CHF and cardiomyopathy. Women especially, need to remember that our symtoms are not the same as mens. VOMITING AND SHORTNESS OF BREATH will kill us if we are not persistant with the doctors.

9:49 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shortness of breath is common for me as several times a day this occurs. However, just my stopping whatever is causing the shortness of breath has me breathing regularly again. I had colon cancer 5 years ago and comparing this today to the symptons that I experienced then are different. I am 62 and I just pace myself and the shortness of breath goes away.

10:06 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There may be some truth to your research. I have known people with heart problems that experience shortness of breath. It usually happens when the person is physically active such as going up the stairs, running to catch the bus, carrying groceries, etc. In other words, the person is easily exerted without reasonable cause.

10:14 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shortness of breath may be 1 problem associated with this disease, but they have to be ganged with other symptons.

7:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been getting short of breath for the pass two weeks everyday.feel like i'm not getting enough air.

8:56 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a shortness of breath mostly when walking and talking. I can actually be on the phone and the person on the other end says "You sound like your runnning" I am in fairly decent shape (could be better) for a 38 year old well that is what I am told. My doctor says Im in good shape, and my physical this year came back great. I dont know what can be causing the shortness when walking, b/c Im great if I run or workout.

10:43 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am 37-yrs old and I've gained 20lbs in the last 2 yrs. I am concerned about my shortness of breath ocurring immediately as I lay down. My shortness of breath it is also accompanied with a dry cough. This only goes on for a short while then it goes away.

10:52 AM
Blogger Tabitha said...

I've had this shortness of breath and heart skipping beats lots. I used to have iron deficiency I've had moments when I have blacked out. but my blood count is normal and I don't have a normal period but at least I'm not bleeding to death. I've had chest pains, once so bad at work a year ago I went to the emergency room I was there so long I felt better and the doctor pretty much didn't believe me with skeptic looks and she seemed sure it was indigestion what with me being in my late 20s. I was already uncomfortable with doctors but she made it worst. I haven't been since evan though the irregular beats are getting worse.

10:57 PM
Blogger Duke said...

Is shortness of breath and not being able to catch your breath the samething ? I have been having problems "catching my breath" for a few days now. It really wears on you.


3:55 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I run two miles five days a week and I ahve occasionally had shortness ob breath.I am 58 years od and I have passed a stress test abd echocardiogram.Is there any danger for someone my age running early morning 5:AM or is it better to run later in day?


12:48 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have shortness of breath for at least 2 years. I have had Lung surgery and they don't know what caused that problem. I also have been to a heart doctor with the general test they so often give. My shortness of breath is still a big concern of mine. If anyone has an answer please let me know. thanks
Big Guy

5:00 PM
Blogger elma said...

For 3 years I've had skipping/irregular hearth beats, where they feel so strong as if my heart pops out of my chest.Then after a few seconds it's gone. Two nights ago I woke up gasping for air, with a strong dry cough.Do I have a hearth disease?

11:35 PM
Blogger WebMD Blog Admin said...

To Elma and anyone else seeking answers, please be sure to pursue them with your doctor(s). In the meantime, you can post any questions to our Heart Failure/Heart Disease:
Laurie Anderson, MSN, FNP
message board.

12:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see articles like this. I too have problems during the day and night with shortness of breath..also, my heart races so fast at times, you can see it beat thru my clothing. Sometimes it starts and just in a flash it is gone. My appointment is tomorrow with a doctor to help me deal with this and find out what is going on. I can only hope I didn't wait too long.

2:29 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was treated at the Hospital for shortness of Breath and I also had an irregular heartbeat and reading this article I am going to call my doctor.

9:52 AM
Anonymous Maria said...

I was taken to the ER early on Memorial Day.
I could hardly breathe, it was like there was an elephant sitting on my chest, and I was feeling very tired.
A whole battery of test were done, I was kept overnight for observation, received a breathing treatment (albuterol and a saline solution), which was great, it appeared I also had some bronchitis;all kind of bloodtests, urine test.
By the end of Tuesday I was suddenly released and told my heart was OK, I do have an irregular heartbeat at times, but nothing serious, and all I had was an anxiety attack.
I am still puzzled with that diagnosis: I still have shortness of breath, especially when I do anything physical.
I called my primary care doctor and was told I had pvc, which cannot be treated, and may go away as suddenly as it appeared.
I am still puzzled, I really want to know what is going on.
Even before the "attack" I was going to have some tests done because at times I aws short of breath, getting easily tired, felt like there was a rock in the pit of my stomach, sometimes had a very uncomfortable feeling going up the sides of my neck to my jaws, sometimes even salivating like preparing to vomit.
It is like I cannot get a satisfactory answer from the hospital cardiologist, physician ot my own physician.
Any doctor out there who can shed some light here?
Thank you.

8:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's one for you... I am 33, I have asthma, but I have had shortness of breath for about 3 weeks, now, and I know the difference between my asthma and something else. Well, I go to my doctor and he says its anxiety, well, he gave me xanax (I am already taking prozac) and guess what still shortness of breath, it is affecting my life, I havent been to work in a week, because when I am there it is worse, I could just be sitting at my desk and all of a sudden try to take a deep breath through my mouth and cant, its like its stopped, but if I breathe through my nose sometimes I can take a deep breath... My doctor just thinks its anxiety, I go back to him on July 2, I even stopped smoking and I still have had this

7:26 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had gall bladder surgery. I had the simple procedure. I had extremely nausa and pain afterwards. It eventually left. But now I have shortness of breath.Sometimes from going up the stairs or just walking from one room to another. It got worst the day I drove to my doctor's to get my stiches out. I mentioned this to the surgeron. He checked my heart out with a stethascope. He said I sounded just fine. He said to call my internal medicine doctor if I didn't feel better. I have had 2 stress tests in the last 4 years, negative for heart disease. It has been quite humid here lately and that hasn't helped going outside. Inside I run the airconditioning and fans to be able to catch my breath. I am calling my internal med. doc. today.
Linda from Ohio

6:51 AM
Blogger Brnwynn said...

Shortness of breath after surgery.
No reason for it. Had bronchitis after a bad cold 2 years ago, went to er and had breathing treatments.No problem since now.
Calling internal med. doc. today because breathing hasn't improved. 1 week from surgery.
B from Ohio.

6:56 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this comment was very interesting to me. I am 24 years old and a wife and mother of 3 children. I have been experiancing shortness of breath for a while now. A couple years ago I went to the doctor and they said it was Anxiety and tried to put me on meds and it just got worse then it kinda got better and then now it is bad worse than ever and I can't get a deep breath at all and my heart skips beats all the time. I guess I should go see my doctor. thanks for the info

5:26 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When my daughter was a couple weeks old her breathing seemed fast and a little off from my previous children, but I just chalked it up to her being smaller than my other two daughters. But after a week or so it seemed that she was trying to hard to get the oxygen she needed. So we were sent to a cardiologist and that same day flown up to Childrens Mercy Hospital because they had not like what they had seen. Needless to say she has multiple heart problems with no cause why except to term it all as heart disease. Her weight is now starting to rise and surgery is in a year or so. If I had not worried about the breathing, I could have lost my baby.

1:55 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am having a very hard time breathing in the past few weeks, i don't know what to do, i don't have health insurance because i cannot afford it, but i would love some advice on what i should do next.......very sad

1:59 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this information. Please share this with the medical profession. I have many clients come to my office as a lawyer -- who were ignored by their physician. The Medical Profession is good at helping patients after they are aflicted with serious heart problems but poor at seeing the telltale signs well in advance.

10:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel your pain ladies. I am 20 years old used to be a competitive cheerleader and horse back rider. In April i was taken to the ER because i turned blue and wasnt able to communicate. They told me i was "stressed out" and it was "anxiety". In june my heart started skipping and hurt so badly that i would stop and brace myself (only when excercisin). I had a stress test which was supossedly normal and was sent on my way. Then in august i started passing out. I thought i wasnt eating enough so i upped my meals to 4-6 and had plenty of water. It took me passing out 3 times in one day to get in to see the doctor and now i am going in for weekly CT scans, EEG, MRI, 6 hour GTT, and holster monitor for 2 weeks. I am 20 i cannot fathom why this is happening and my doctor can seem to either. Has anyone heard of anythign like this? I am not on any medications, dont smoke, dont drink, dont do drugs, and was utherwise healthy until april 07. Now i am exhuasted constantly, pass out 1-4x a week, andhave skipped beats any time i try to work out. My blood pressure used to be 115/75 it is now 90/40??? I weigh 116 and am 5'2"...i am also adopted so i dont know any family history. any help??

11:39 PM
Anonymous LuLu said...

I am in my early 30th, not over weight, I had rapid heart beat for about 3 years, but my blood pressure is normal, I had under stress EKG test, heart ultra sound, loop test (heart monitor unit that you can carry with you)for 2 weeks, all 3 tests were normal, and I am getting tilt table test next week, hope that the doctor will find the problem this time, does anyone have the same problem like me? I feel normal as long I don't do heavy activities like work out. some times I think maybe I am out of shape for not working out for the last 10 years, so I tried to signed up for the gym, the trainer asked me to check my heart rate, it was like 103 just sitting down, so he was affaid that I might faint, and he didn't want to train me. so I canceled it.

in September this year, I had failed down from 2nd floor, because I was dizzy, and felt weak on my left leg, and black out for a few second. got laceration on my lip/chin area, chipped teeth, end up with root canal. I can't wait to find out what is causing it, I do noticed that when the doctor injected some pain med in the IV, it made my heart go fast, and once when I had bad dream, woke up with my heart racing so fast like my heart was going to jump out of my chest.

9:15 PM
Blogger Chad CAC said...

I have been running 8 to 10 milles a week for 15 years. I play ice hockey 2 times a week. Over the last year I have noticed increasing feeling of light headedness, pain between my shoulder blades, and often feelings of spams or shocks accross my chest that take my breath away. I have had stress test with eco cardio, a chest cat scan, ekg's all normal. Doctor say is esophgas spasma and relux. I dont believe him. This does not feel like reflux. I am 37 years old

3:05 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been having shortness of breath that gets worse after I eat. I have moderate asthma, but is that normal to have the problem get worse after eating?

11:34 PM
Anonymous minnie said...

No idea what happened. Earlier had pain in my chest, took 2 rolaids, sat on the ground straight uo with my hands in the air. After 5 minutes or less, I was fine. A couple hours later, same things only the rolaids did'nt work, or the hands in the air. I could'nt breath well either. This time it was 30 to 40 minutes before I am fine. I am a 41 year old female. Any clue to what just happened to me?

11:47 PM
Anonymous Bobby said...

I have the same question as Duke,,,Is not being able to catch your breath the same as shortness of breath??? My Dr. has changed my blood pressure medicine to hydralizine and Avalide, and it helps my blood pressure but at work I'm trying to yawn so I can catch my breath... Do you have any suggestions?? Is this called Dysnpea or something like that????

11:20 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of months ago, I started getting shortness of breath and a tightness in my chest when I did anything physical. I wake up each morning and it feels like a elephant is sitting on my chest. I used to be fairly active. Now I can't even walk to the store two blocks away. I've had a heart stress test, a chest x-ray, labs done, EKG, but everything has come back normal except for the EKG, which has always been abnormal.My doctor said that it was stress, but I don't believe him.
So my doctor sent me to a lung specialist this week. After some breathing tests and checking the oxygen content in my blood, the doctor said he didn't think it was something serious, but couldn't rule out a possible blood clot in my lung. I'm having another test and a CT next week. This freaks me out some days.

6:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have shortness of breath about 2 years ago and my doctor said it could be the apnea problem, can anyone tell me is it true or not?

10:41 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart hurts very bad right now. I'm only 22 and this is not the first time this has happened. It stops me right in my tracks. I will see a Doctor next week, but until then I will read on.

8:37 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep feeling like I have excessive air in my chest, no pain, but the feeling I need to burp all the time. Any suggestions what the problem could be??

5:28 PM
Anonymous Tommy said...

I am a 46 year old male. I noticed about 5 months ago that I seemed to get winded easily after exertion. It has now gotten to the point that I become short of breath after very simple exertion, such as taking a shower and drying off.

I have a history of Beurgers Disease. I smoked until about 4 months ago. I follow-up with my primary care every six months, and have since the DX of the Beugers Disease in 1996. He does routine lipid profiles and CBC's, all of which are well within normal ranges. I have normal blood pressure.

I worked out five days a week for about 3 1/2 years, and stopped about 8 months ago.

I thought at first that the SOB was because I had stopped working out, however, the SOB has progressively gotten worse.

I recently also have had a couple of episodes of dizziness.

My primary care referred me to a cardiologist. I had an echocardiogram and nuclear stress test and both results were good. He ordered a chest CT with contrast to rule out a pulmonary embolus and also pulmonary function tests. Those results were normal as well.
My resting heart rate is anywhere from upper 80's to 110 BPM. I have premature ventricular contractions, which I notice more at night.

My primary care physician doesn't seem too concerned about the SOB, but it is affecting my activities of daily living, I can't clean the kitchen without having to sit down and take a break.

Also, I got a severe headache about two days ago. I never get a headache. I could feel my pulse throbbing in my temples and while lying down my heart rate was elevated to between 115 to 125 BPM (I know the rate because I put on my heart rate monitor that I wear when working out).

Any thoughts what could be causing the SOB??

I have been very healthy until now and have not had any health issue aside from the Beurger's.

11:13 PM
Blogger WebMD Blog Admin said...


To post questions about your specific condition, please visit Laurie's message board.

Thank you!

3:56 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have shortness of breath and pain in my chest on the right side/center. Has been going on for months. I have mild COPD only 2% below the average. The shortness of breath is constant and regardless of activity. I just feel like I can't get enough air and inhalers do not help.

2:48 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im 20 years old and i have shortness of breathe and feel like i cant catch it? is that just my anxiety or panic attacks or should i go get looked at more?

1:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im 20 years old and i have shortness of breathe and feel like i cant catch it? is that just my anxiety or panic attacks or should i go get looked at more?

1:46 PM
OpenID blcwilliams9 said...


2:29 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's very depressing how most doctors seem to virtually nothing for people. Time and again in my own experience as well as reading others' online, doctors sound incredibly out of it. Do they care any more than the guy at kinko's cares about his job? HMO's especially seem to unite people with these hacks. How much money and time i've spent yet get more info in ten minutes of online research.

11:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 years ago, I had shortness of breath, but the doctor said it was pregnancy, I was close to my due date
and the baby was on my lungs, 2 days after I was realeased from the hospital with my beautiful daughter, I was back in the emergency room. I had pulmonary edema and had congestive heart failure. I have peripartum cardio myopathy, I was 21,
No matter what age, you should know the warning signs

1:23 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 years ago, I had shortness of breath, but the doctor said it was pregnancy, I was close to my due date
and the baby was on my lungs, 2 days after I was released from the hospital with my beautiful daughter, I was back in the emergency room. I had pulmonary edema and had congestive heart failure. I have peripartum cardio myopathy, I was 21,
No matter what age, you should know the warning signs

1:23 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lulu - Have a sleep study done. Apnea.

8:26 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

During and after the cruise to Alaska, I had a very bad shortness of breath, dizziness, jaw numbness, loss of hearing in my left ear, normal blood pressure (130/80). With these symptoms, I went to my physician and asked him to help me.
He took the blood pressure and temperature, checked my pulse and my hearing by standing behind me and whispering my name. I passed the "thorough exam". The "verdict" was -- all the problems are in your "head only"; you're healthy. Recommendation: relax and avoid anxiety. Six weeks after the visit, I had a heart attack that followed with the 2 stents placed. The cardiologist identified the condition as "widow-maker". Today, I still have shortness of breath, rapid pulse(120-130);
occasionally high blood pressure (take medications for that). The same physician believes that I am in no danger. Is it really so, or should I wait for another heart attack to prove my point?

6:29 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been having shortness of air for almost a year now. It happened all of a sudden and has now gradually gotten worse. I can't even walk up or down 8 stairs without being able to breath. I used to be able to walk 1 mile just fine. I have had allergy test,PFT test, CT's of the chest. I was breathing better than I am now when I was 9 months pregnant with my daughter. I am on blood pressure medicine which has normalized my bp. They have ruled out pulmonary embolous. Thank you for your help

10:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In early January, I woke up in the middle of the night with shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea and pain in my chest so thought I was having a heart attack and went to the ED via ambulance (never drive yourself). They did an EKG, X-Ray, blood tests--no indications of a heart attack but they referred me to a cardiologist. I went the next day and had a stress echo test done and it was normal. I also had blood work done for the Berkely Heart Lab test. This tests the size of your LDL particles. Mine are small which is supposed to be bad. It also tests for a number of other things, like C-Reactive protein. My triglycerides were high and Insulin high and something called Fibrinogen was elevated. My doctor prescribed these Omega-3 fatty acid pills to help with trigclycerides. But then I read that fish oil may have a bad affect, so I need to ask my doctor about this. The Berkley test isn't a well known test and my insurance company paid for part but not all the tests. I am going to appeal as I think it's a good test and had indicators of what you might have leading to heart disease. Also, after all that I just started to experience heart palpitations and extreme sweatiness at night. I also have had this forboding sense of doom about me and I can't explain it. I am going to have a nuclear stress test next week and maybe a CT calcium scoring test done. It is a process but I know something is wrong, even if the tests don't indicate it. We know our bodies best. I read a lot of the blogs of people who are in the same boat, they know something is not right. I'd encourage you to keep pushing forward, take control, ask your doctor to keep pushing and to find out what the issue is, it has to be something.--Good luck, wish me luck too

12:23 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had " triple by-pass surgery" because during my walks I developed "shortness of breath". However it has been six months and I find that I still have shortness of brath.

9:31 PM
Blogger Vickie said...

Three weeks ago I was at work and walked outside to the mail box. I shortness of breath and I had to go home. I stayed home the rest of the week and seen my doctor. He has run alot of test on me. I wont know the results until 3/19/2008.
I have COPD and 1 lung.I have not been able to breath right since.I cant walk acroos the room without being out of breath. I', tired all the time too. All I want to do is sleep. Can you help me.Thank You

12:35 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am concerned for my wifes health, she has an elevated heart rate. the doctor said that it was due to stress. I'm not comfortable with that answer. this article speaks of one of her symptoms. I think we may need to get a second opinion. she is only 37

2:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't walk up a small flight of stairs with out getting shortness of breath, I will also break out into a cold sweat. I get some chest pains that move to my arms I went to a cardiologist he wants me on Nitrogylcerin and some kind of blood pressure medicine. I want to be able to control it with diet and exercise not MEDICINE. Any advise would be great


10:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

after continued angina, my cardio dr did a cath and it was normal, they did a chem stress test and it took over a min. to get me breathing again, but it was normal been fighting sob since my heart attack 2006, had echo normal halter monitor showed some bradycardia other wise ok, until 3 weeks ago i haf a massive MI had 100 percent blockages in both lower chambers of my heart and something chew up the end of one of the 5 stents i had, interesting thing i was okayed for a MRI of my hands I was in the machine 5 and a half hours, could this be what chewed it up? my sob is even worse now, i see my cardiologist in 2 weeks. The dr at texsan heart inst in sa, said lifeline saved my life, to which i am much greatful for, but when i asked about all the test being normal he informed me in 6 weeks or less you can blow a full 100% blockage so beware, get to the er asap who cares if it isnt your heart, but it could and you may just save yourself.

3:17 AM
Anonymous E.L. said...

I have had shortness of breath for more than a year. I am 22 years old. I was at a doctor's appointment for shortness of breath and my doctor decided to do an EKG. Turns out my heart was skipping beats and she sent me directly to the emergency room. Chest x-ray, MRI, heart sonogram, blood tests, urine test, just about everything was done and they found nothing. They said nothing was physically wrong with me and said it was just anxiety. I don't believe that. I still have shortness of breath, chest pain and my heart still skips beats. Can anyone tell me what this is?

4:54 PM
Blogger Belle said...

I am 24, weight 119. I have been experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, headaches, rapid heart beats, dizziness, and jaw stiffness. I have been to the ER several times, I have had all kind of blood test & CT scans, I have seen three different doctors & neurologist, and I have been told that it's all in my head. The doctor's insist that I have anxiety and that I am healthy. I know my body and know that something is not right. How many more doctor's must I see to get some help!!! please help

9:00 PM
Anonymous Meg said...

Wow. I have had similar problems with shortness of breath, racing heartbeat, heart skipping beats or having extra beats, getting very dizzy, numbness in my appendages...and I used to go to the ER a few times a month because I got so scared. I'd wake up in the AM, not even out of bed yet, but my heart would be racing faster than I could count. They always told me the same thing: ANXIETY ATTACKS. How? I wasn't anxious about anything...I'm a very laidback, worry-free person. I don't get it.

2:47 AM
Anonymous katheryn said...

several months ago i started have periods of shortness of breath that came out of no where, I wasn't even doing anything. They would last for a few seconds and were gone. this would happen several times a day on and off and then not for a couple of days then would start again, i wasn't doing any kind of activity. i am now 50 years old and weigh around 160 pounds so I am not excessively overweight. I have a very difficlt time losing weight. I too have has times when my heart flutters, this started around 4 years ago, but seems to worsen when it is time for my menstral cycle. I have also had sever bouts of breathlessness, a couple of weeks ago that lasted a few seconds. I can walk around the yard and not even get out of breath, then later I can just be sitting and it comes out of nowhere. My heartrate runs at 680 to 88 beats per minute. My glucose level is excellent, and my cholesterol falls in the normal range. Do I have heart disease, is this stress symptoms or can this be some kind of hormonal cause due to menopause and perimenopause...Help me Please!

9:49 AM
Anonymous katheryn said...

several months ago i started have periods of shortness of breath that came out of no where, I wasn't even doing anything. They would last for a few seconds and were gone. this would happen several times a day on and off and then not for a couple of days then would start again, i wasn't doing any kind of activity. i am now 50 years old and weigh around 160 pounds so I am not excessively overweight. I have a very difficlt time losing weight. I too have has times when my heart flutters, this started around 4 years ago, but seems to worsen when it is time for my menstral cycle. I have also had sever bouts of breathlessness, a couple of weeks ago that lasted a few seconds. I can walk around the yard and not even get out of breath, then later I can just be sitting and it comes out of nowhere. My heartrate runs at 80 to 88 beats per minute. My glucose level is excellent, and my cholesterol falls in the normal range. Do I have heart disease, is this stress symptoms or can this be some kind of hormonal cause due to menopause and perimenopause...Help me Please! Sorry i had to post twice, i had made a mistake on my heartrate, it sure isn't tjat

9:54 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

katheryn, as you've described it, it sounds like that could easily just be stress. Stress alone can cause shortness of breath.

However, if in doubt go see a doctor. It'll be a big relief if you prove to yourself there's nothing wrong.

9:04 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's often very difficult to differentiate between anxiety/panic and a real problem.

Go see your doctor and get thoroughly tested. If all tests come back normal then it's probably anxiety.

When I went through a very anxious period my heart rate remained between 80-100, now that I'm in a more calm state my resting heart rate is between 50-70.

Anxiety/panic can also cause shortness of breath through two means:
1. Hyperventilation
2. Tightening abdominal/chest muscles will make you feel short of breath even though you are not.

Still, see your doctor first, ALWAYS.

9:06 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been experiencing some similar things my heart starts to race while I am doing nothing but standing still once it happened while I was standing washing dishes and most recently yesterday I was at the store printing pictures and my heart started racing and i was short of breath. I felt light headed it really scared me i thought I was going to pass out in the store. I have had an EKG but it looked fine. I am 31 years old but this really scares me. There is a history of palpitations in my family.

11:03 AM
Blogger Maria said...

I am actually going for a thallium stress test tomorrow. I am overweight but all of my vitals/blood work is in normal ranges (so I guess if I wasn't obese, I'd be even better?). Anyway, I am getting shortness of breath and not always when I exert myself. I had a pain (7 out of 10) about 1 week ago in my chest and side that scared the daylights out of me. My concern is that they'll tell me it's nothing b/c my bloodwork came back perfect

11:14 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi im dan i have pvc,s heart disease and take medicine it,s 85% taken care of and im kind of mad because when i first was diagnosed in the hospital they said oh no big deal just deal with it live with it i was scared to death it took my primary dr to get it under control the emergeny room dr should of taken care of it they didnt give a squat about me at all just get him out of here i felt it was horrible